sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Ruta por refugios en Rila (Rila refugis)

Montaña/ Mountain: Rila
Estación/ Season: Veranos/ Summer
Duración/ Duration: 3 días (2 noches)/ 3 days/ 2 nights

1r DIA/ 1st DAY:
Esta es una de las rutas mas bonitas en las montañas de Rila. Todo empezaba cuando el coche nos dejo en el resort Bodrost. Este, esta a 29Km de Blagoevgrad. Desde allí nos cargamos las mochilas y ascendimos al refugio llamado Makedonia, a 9Km. En 2 horas y media llegábamos  el camino era claro, no tiene perdida. (foto 1 y 2)

This is one of most beautiful transition in Rila mountain. Everything started when the car left us at summer resort Bodrost (Бодрост). The resort is 29 km from Blagoevgrad (Благоевград). From there we took the big bags and we head to rest house Makedonia (Македония) about 9 km. We did the hike for 2 hours 30 min the road was slanting and big and that was advantage (photo 1 and 2).

1. Road to rest house Makedonia(Македония)

2. Road to rest house Makedonia(Македония)

El refugio en el valle llamado Mechi Prohod entre  el pico Malyk Mechi (Малък мечи) y el Golyam Mechi (Голям мечи) cimas de 2166m de altura. Íbamos a pasar la noche allí. Tienen habitaciones con camas y ofrecen comida. Los propietarios son buena gente, acogedores. Por la tarde fuimos a la cima mas cercana para contemplar las vistas, la llamada Malyk Mechi, a 2474m, en 40 minutos estábamos allí (foto 3). Las vistas eran increíbles  se pueden ver tanto las montanas de Pirin como de Rila. Contemplamos durante un rato las vistas y bajamos de nuevo al refugio a cenar.
La noche nos tenia una sorpresa preparada, salimos con una manta a ver las estrellas y solo subir el cielo empezamos a disfrutar de una lluvia de estrellas, impresionante.

We found the rest house"Makedonia" 2166m at the col Мechi Prohod between Malyk Mechi(Малък мечи) peak and Golyam Mechi(Голям мечи) peak. We were going to spend the night there.The house had rooms with beds and it offer food and drinks. The owners were hostile. In the afternoon we went to one of the peaks near. "Malyk Mechi"  peak is at 2474m and you go there for about 40 min (photo 3). We had some amazing views . You can see all Rila and Pirin from the top.We went back and it was almost time to dinner. After we went outside to enjoy the clear sky and the stars. But the stars had a very special plans for the night we saw a lot of starfalls in the sky and some wery realy great. 

 3. Blick of "Golyam Mechi" peak and hut "Makedonia" (Голям мечи връх и хижа Македония)

2o DIA/ 2nd DAY:

Dormimos como troncos ya que estábamos agotados pero debíamos madrugar, nos esperaba un día largo. Las consultas que habíamos hecho nos decían que la ruta por hacer era de 6 horas hasta llegar al refugio Ribni Ezera (Рибни езера), así que nos pusimos en marcha. Nos dirigimos hacia Golyam Mechi, el camino esta marcado y es fácil de seguir, pero empezábamos con una fuerte subida, buena para despertar el cuerpo. A medio ascenso tomamos un respiro y nos concienciamos de lo que nos quedaba, con el miedo de si nos cogía la tormenta que habían anunciado por televisión  Pues bien, desde el lugar donde paramos podíamos ver la cima del Golyam Mechi (2617m) y al otro lado Angelov a 2643m de altitud, nuestros dos siguientes retos.

We slept good and we wake up early. It was time to go for our next destination. One of the best transitions in Rila. We were going to do a 6 hours trip to rest house Ribni ezera(Рибни езера). We head up to Golyam Mechi peak.The path was marked and easy to follow but it was very steep. We were exhausted. We took a break just on the foot of the peak and we saw what we had  ahead of us. There you could see standing Golyam mechi 2617m and  Angelov(Ангелов) peak 2643 m. The path is going at the edge of the two peaks and you see amazing views from both sides. We head to Angelov peak and soon we were on the top.Our second peak in 1 hour.

"Angelov" peak 2643m(Ангелов връх) in the distance

El camino continúa en dirección a Uzunitsa (Узуница), siguiente cima a 2.606 m. Como ya estábamos mas o menos a esa altura solo tuvimos que bajar un poco y subir. Desde allí teníamos una clara visión de nuestro próximo objetivo (Aladja Slap). 

The path continue to the next high peak Uzunitsa(Узуница) 2606 m . We didn't had to climb because they were on the same level with peak Angelov even going down a bit. From there we had a clear view of our next challenge. The way was going down through bushes and rocks and soon after we were on the foot of a next peak. We were really down of the top. We had long way going up to this one.

Blick from peak Angelov to peak "Uzunitsa" 2606m(връх Узинитца) аnd in the distance pеак "Aladja Slap"(Аладжа Слап)

blick of the foot of peak "Aladja Slap" to peak "Uzunitsa"

peak Aladja slap 2684m( връх Аладжа Слап)

El pico Aladja Slap (Аладжа слап) estaba a 2684m, el más alto hasta el momento. Necesitamos casi una hora para subir y necesitamos algún que otro descanso. En el lado norte no había vegetación.

The peak was Aladja Slap(Аладжа слап) 2684m the highest so far. We needed almost an hour to go up and we had many breaks but finally we went up. On the other side  there was no vegetation. It was the north side.

blick of Aladja Slap 2685m north side

No había tiempo para descansar, temíamos la lluvia. El camino era muy pedregoso pero pronto estábamos a los pies del pico Cherna polyana 2716m. Había un poco de desesperación entre los del grupo, sera esta la ultima cima o aun no? nos preguntábamos. A los pies de este pico, subimos unos 400m, no había nada de vegetación.

There was no time to rest we head down on a rocky path and soon after we were on the foot of peak Cherna polyana 2716m. I saw some desperation our group it was not possible to climb onther and higher than the last one but we had no choise. We arrived at the foot and we had to climb 400 m up. The top had no vegetation only rock.
peak "Cherna Polyana" 2716m(Връх Черна поляна)

Desde arriba teníamos unas vistas increíbles. Teníamos una imagen perfecta de Los lagos Karaalanishkite (Kарааланишките) y Sinioto (Синъото). La cima era increíble, estuvimos allí un rato y hicimos algunas fotografías. 

On the top we found amazing views. There was a perfect shot of the Sinioto(Синъото) lake and The Karaalanishkite(Kарааланишките) lakes. The peak was amazing we stayed there and we took many photos but it was time to go. We were not even near to our destination.

Sinioto lake(Синьото езеро)

Blick from peak" Cherna Polyana"

Nos dirigimos hacia la cima Pavlev (Павлев) a 2.667 m, nuestro ultimo pico por conquistar. Fue el más extraño de todos. La parte superior tenía un cresta rocosa por donde se podía andar, es peligroso, pero también uno de los mejores tramos desde mi punto de vista. Hay un alambre de seguridad. 

We head to Pavlev(Павлев)peak 2667 m our last top to conquer. IT was the strangest of all. The top had a rocky comb that you can pass. ITs very dangerous but also very beatiful. To go down from the top there is a wire to hold otherwise you can fall easily and injure yourself.

peak Pavlev 2667m(Павлев връх)
Al fin vimos el refugio desde lo alto de las montanas, se encontraba entre medio de dos lagos. Creíamos que en 20 minutos llegábamos pero no fue así, tuvimos que andar un poco mas. 

After the last challenge we saw the rest house between two beatiful lakes. The house was down in the valley and we thought we will be there in 20 min but we had to walk a bit more.

"Ribni" lakes and between them rest house "Ribni ezera"

Rodeamos la cima Kanarata (Канарата) 2.691 m, veíamos un valle con un lago llamado "Kanarskoto". Tuvimos que seguir hasta encontrar nuestro valle, cuando lo encontramos, en 20 minutos descendimos y llegamos a nuestro destino, nos hicieron un buen plato de col con carne, plato típico de la zona. 

We did a round of peak Kanarata(Канарата)2691 m and we saw the valley but for our dissapointment was not ours. The valey was the same as of the "Ribni" lakes but this one had one other lake"Kanarskoto". We had to cross the valley and go to the next where was our objective. Finally we saw it in maybe 20 min we went down. We were exhausted and we sit to eat and drink.

lake"Kanarskoto"(Канарското езеро)
3r DIA/ 3rd DAY:

El tercer día en principio teníamos que bajar hasta donde empieza la carretera del monasterio de Rila (2 horas) pero tuvimos algún problemilla técnico. Ningún móvil tenia cobertura y quien nos tenia que venir a buscar no tenia señales nuestras así que decidimos seguir bajando hasta tener señal. Acabamos andando hasta el Monasterio de Rila, unas 4 horas en vez de las 2 horas que creíamos.

The 3rd day, we thought on going down to the road and a car had to come to take us, that had to be 2 hours but we had some technical problem. Any mobile had signal to call and noone came to take us so we walked down throw the road direction Rila Monastery. Fianlly, in spite of teh 2 hours it took us 4 hours until Rila Monastery where the car came to take us.

Este fue nuestro viaje de: 2 refugios, 7 lagos, 7 cimas y una lluvia de estrellas.

That was our trip of: 2 refugis, 7 lakes, 7 peaks and starfalls!   

Yordan DV & Núria DG

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