domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Pirin Lakes

Montaña/ Mountain: Pirin
Ruta/ Path: Pirin Lakes
Estación/ Season: Verano/ Summer

Nuestra siguiente aventura empieza en el refugio Vihren, lugar donde acabamos el descenso de Vihren. Desde aquí hay muchas rutas por hacer como por ejemplo Vihren-Kutelo-Koncheto, muy bonita pero requiere de cierto nivel. Esta vez cogimos la ruta verde que nos llevaba por los lagos de Pirin. Seguíamos la ruta verde que nos llevaba al refugio Demianica y Sinanica. (foto 1)

Our next trip begins at rest house Vihren(Вихрен). You can find many tourist ways there and one is Vihren-Kutelo-Koncheto(Вихрен-Кутело-Кончето) very beatiful and hard transition. This time we went through the beatiful lakes of Pirin. From the house followed the signs going to rest house Demianica and Sinanica. There were 4 different color marks(blue, yellow, red and green). We had to follow the red and green path is well marked so there is no chance of missing it (photo 1).

En 30 min ya encontrábamos el primer lago llamado Okoto (El Ojo). (foto 2) Allí hicimos nuestro primer descanso para tomar un poco de te. Una señal indicaba los datos de ese lago: 5 metros de profundidad, a 2026m de altitud y con una área de 2,2 ja.
Era momento de continuar, otros lagos nos estaban esperando. 

Only after 30 min we were one the first lake Okoto(окото), the translation is "The eye". (photo 2) When you see it from high it had the shape of an eye. We did a bread there and we saw a plate explaining the features. It's 5 metres deep its at 2026 altitute and area of 2,2 ha.
It was time to go but more lakes were yet to come. 

Pronto nos encontramos Ribno Bynderishko, lago de 12m de profundidad, 64ja y situado a 2190m de altura. (foto 3) Gran lago con agua cristalina y fría  donde habían un par de chicos valientes haciendo un chapuzon.

After 30 min we found a plate pointing to the next one. The path was going out of the marked red-yellow way but we decided to go to the lake anyway. Very soon we found Ribno Bynderishko( Рибно Бъндеришко) lake the features was 12 metres deep 64,0 acres and 2190 altitute. (photo 3) It was a big lake with crystal clean water. The water was cold and our enthusiams of taking a bath dissapear. 


Cogimos un camino por la parte izquierda del lago para tener buenas vistas desde arriba. Andamos un poco mas y pronto encontramos otro lago Dylgoto (El lago largo). Este es 460m de longitud, 150m de anchura, 45ja y 10 metros de profundidad. Se encuentra a 2310m de altitud. Encontramos una roca donde decidimos comer.
En este lugar el camino rojo y el verde se dividen. El rojo va hacia la derecha y el verde hacia la izquierda en dirección a la cima Malka Todorka.

We took a path of the left side of lake going up. Soon we had a view from top, it was amazing to see the reflection of the mountain in the lake. We had to climb a bit but then the path was fine and soon we found a new lake- Dylgoto(Дългото), the translation is the long lake. Its 460 metres long and only 150 wide in total it have 45,0 acres. The lake is 10 metres deep and its on 2310 metres altitute. We found a big stone and we had a lunch there.
You have to know that there the red-green path splits. The red goes from the rocky right side of lake and the green path goes of the left side of the lake up to peak Malka Todorka(Малка Тодоркa) and from there to rest house Demianitsa(Демяница).

Continuamos por el camino verde que sube hacia la cima haciendo zetas. Pronto estábamos a los pies de la cima desde donde vimos los lagos Vasilashki (foto 5). Después de disfrutar de las vistas subimos arriba a la cima donde se encontraba nuestro ultimo objetivo, los lagos Todorini Ochi (Los Ojos de Todora). Eran dos pequeños lagos de color verde, el primero esta a 2536m de altitud, es uno de los lagos mas altos en Pirin. Con 8 metros de profundidad y 124x150m. El segundo estaba a 2510m, 4 metros de profundidad y 100x82m. (foto 6)

So we went up, when you are down you think is not possible to go up but there is way going like snake so it was fairly easy. Soon we were on the foot of peak Malka Todorka(2710m). From there we saw the Vasilashki(Василашки) lakes.(photo 5) We took a rest there we had a 15 min from the top and we were there. We had a great view of peak Vihren(2915m), Goliama Todorka (2745)m and all the lakes. We saw also our last objective- Todorini ochi(Тодорини очи) lakes. The translation is the eyes of Todora(bulgarian name). The lakes were two beatiful green lakes with round shape. The first one is on 2536m altitute so there are no vegetataion there- only rocks. Its on of the highest situated lakes in Pirin. The upper lake is 8 metres deep and 124x150 meters of area. The second lake there is at 2510m altitute. It is 4 metres deep and have 100x82 m area. (photo 6)


Era momento de volver donde habiamos dejado el coche. Volviendo encontramos un lago mas Zhabeshkoto (La rana). (foto 7) Este tiene 2 metros de profundidad. Este lago no es tan frío como los demás ya que el agua no circula y puedes encontrar muchas ranas.
En 4h hicimos todo el recorrido, una ruta no muy difícil y recomendable por las agradables vistas.

We decided to go head to rest house Vihren where we left the car. On the way down we saw one more lake which was more up of the road and we didn't saw. Zhabeshkoto(Жабежкото)lake. (photo 7) In translation is the frogs lake. Its 5,6 acres and its deep only 2 metres. Since the water have no place to expire the lake is warm and you can find a lot of frogs. In 4h we went to peak Malka Todorka from rest house Vihren and we come back.


Yordan DV & Nuria DG

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow great views you had a great time

  2. Viendo las bonitas fotos y leyendo vuestro resumen te puedes hacer una idea de como ha de ser en realidad la visita a esos bellos rincones búlgaros. Os animo a que continuéis con vuestro trabajo.

  3. Beautiful unique landscapes in the world. You have to keep them as they are without the hand of man spoil. mgc
